For those who aren’t familiar with Klout, it is a metric system that rates the social influence of Twitter accounts. Having a high Klout score is advantageous because it serves as an honorary badge for online members to recognize. In other words, Klout is like the credit score report for one’s digital reputation.
We decided to test out Klout’s new redesigned Web site and conduct a report comparing the top Manhattan real estate firms. We sought to answer the question: What real estate firms are establishing an influential presence online?
Here, a list of the five top Manhattan real estate firms we thought deserved further investigating.
Compared with the other Manhattan real estate firms, Corcoran has got them beat. With an immense Twitter base of 5,560* followers, they have the largest real estate social network to date. What’s most notable is their successful social media execution across all platforms, engaging on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Linkedin, YouTube and more. With a Klout score of 62 (Jay Leno has a score of 68), its obvious they are on top of their game. This is definitely one real estate firm worth watching.
What’s interesting about Nest Seekers is that, even with a Klout score almost 20 points short of Corcoran’s, their true reach (actual number of people influenced) is identical, at an astonishing 2,000* followers. Upon reviewing their Twitter account, we realized that there was actually very little engagement. Instead, we found mainly real estate listings as tweets. This brings us to the conclusion that Nest Seeker’s Klout may be somewhat inflated.
Though Halstead scored lower in Klout than Nest Seekers, they received something worth mentioning – the Specialist badge. What this means is that Klout sees Halstead as an expert in the real estate industry, providing very focused and highly engaging content. That’s important when running a social media campaign. We predict Halstead will gain more social influence over Nest Seekers rather quickly.
When examining Stribling’s social network of followers and true reach to the aforementioned firms, it’s hard to imagine that Stribling even compares. But what these numbers don’t reveal is that Stribling’s Klout score has been rapidly increasing within the last 30 days. What we can assume is that Stribling is actively raising their social media presence - with a vengeance. Watch out!
Citi Habitats’s Klout has room for improvement. Their true reach averages around 142, a number we feel is too low for their firm’s size and recognition. Their network influence (engagement with influencers) and amplification (ability to generate discussions) is also very low. We believe Citi Habitats has the potential to achieve a 30 to 40 Klout score in a short period of time. All they need to do is figure out how to successfully engage their audience.
If you’d like to find out further details regarding the scoring process, we suggest you visit the new Klout Web site and test it out yourself.
* Based on Klout and Twitter numbers as of 5/11/2011