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Archive for July, 2011
Michelle McCormack from Boston, MA asked:
“How do you decide within the agency who does the actual engaging in social media? Do you have a content strategy? Is there one voice determining the message and execution? Is the message decided by committee and then one voice execution?”
Those are excellent questions, Michelle. Posner Advertising has been around for over two decades, specializing in traditional and new media marketing for the real estate, healthcare, hospitality and luxury market. We take pride in serving these markets and continue to find and implement new ways to assist and educate our clients.
When our agency hires a manager to look after our social media presence, we look for a person who is knowledgeable about the aforementioned markets. Our social media manager must also be organized, have superior common sense, be able to communicate with a professional, authentic and ethical point of view and most importantly, he or she must possess good listening skills – because as much as we want to be “social,” our priority is in finding out what our clients’ needs are.
Additionally, we strive to create an informative and empowering marketing platform for our potential and existing clients. Therefore, even though our agency’s voice may appear to be very focused and singular, it is in fact a grouping of shared ideas from many of our top marketing executives. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: advertising q+a, marketing questions
Posted in Branding, Social Media on July 12, 2011